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May 5, 2010

Luddee: So today we have Ms.American Muslimah with us, to share her perspective on people of other faith in the cultural melting pot that is America.

Ms. American Muslimah: You know, I once went to a Hindu restaurant in my hijab… and everyone just stared me. I felt so self conscious!

Luddee: Aw, I feel for you.

Ms. American Muslimah: Oh well. Hindus are weird anyways; did you know that they think if a monkey enters their house, their business will boom!?

Nadhi: hahaha they’re so silly.

Luddee: I’m sure they think the same about the belief in Jinns.

Ms. American Muslimah: *surprised… pauses to think* Well everyone knows Jinns exist.

From → Essays

One Comment
  1. You never know; I’ve heard some Jinns are excellent in accounting.

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